10 Benefits of Social Media for your Startup

Benefits of Social Media

Benefits of Social Media for your Startup

There are the 10 benefits of social media for your startup :-

  1. Increase in Exposure – 85% of marketers noted gains in business exposure due to Social Media.
  2. Increase in Traffic – Traffic increase in the 2nd most important benefit gained. 76% reporting positive results.
  3. Brand Recognition – By using consistent effort on Social Media, a company can build a reputation for its brand around your company’s values, benefits, and advantages.
  4. Lead Generation – 58% of marketers using social media marketing platform enjoyed an increase in Lead Generation. 65% of small business owners were more likely than others to generate leads.
  5. Improved Search Rankings – 55% of marketers on social media experienced improvement in search rankings. The more the time invested on social media the better because the rankings.
  6. Marketplace Insights – 65% of marketers use social media as a marketplace intelligence booster, Those spending 6-10 hrs/week were most likely to gain market insights, while 73% spending 11 hrs/week also saw gains.
  7. Growth of Business Partnership – Companies spending the most time on Social Media Marketing endeavors were found to gain the most Business Partnership. 52% grew Business Partnership in this way.
  8. Improved Sales – A significant 45% have indicated increase in sales. 53% of small businesses with 2 or more people experienced sales increase. But it has to be kept in mind that it takes time to reap the benefits. 50% of the marketers who experienced sales increase has used social media marketing for at least 3 years.
  9. Reduced Marketing Costs – Marketing expense reduction was experienced by 46% of businesses.
  10. More Loyal fans – 73% of B2C marketers are more likely to develop loyal fan base through social media than B2B marketers (58%).

Also Read – Twitter 280 characters limit – Giving you more characters to express yourself


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