5 Dead SEO Strategies that will impact your Website Negatively

SEO Strategies

This is the world of SEO and of course, it is dynamic. The strategies that are helping you out today might not be beneficial for you tomorrow. So, you need to constantly adapt and improvise with all the patience and effort it requires. You must know the strategies that will help you to grow in the digital market.

Let’s take a look at some of the negative SEO strategies that might hold you back in the digital race.

  1. Not updating old content

Let’s go back in today’s date a year ago. Are those articles still relevant that you have written? You then need to update your article. So, instead of writing a fresh article, it is better to update your article. You should edit the copy and make it more SEO-friendly. This is an easy way to come up with more content in less time. It will increase the bounce rate because when people come to know it is an outdated blog, they will leave as soon as possible. Try to update it on a regular basis to get more views.

  1. Writing short contents or blogs

It is one of the essential factors to improve SEO ranking. SEO experts focus on the quality of the content that you are posting. Short blogs or contents cannot be ignored completely but you won’t be benefitted with them as same with the long blogs. You need not to give the in-depth information about your content in long posts while it may become somewhat necessary to give a detailed information in your short blog. But you need to have a balance between quality and quantity of the content for this technique.

  1. Not Focusing on what the audience wants

Let yourself know what platforms they use the most. Once you have the better idea of what your customers want, you can go with your SEO strategy accordingly. The customers’ demands and needs changes with time. You need to update yourself with that of customers. It will be better if you hire a guest post service. Guest post service is a method where you write an article for a website and get your link in return.

  1. Slow loading websites

The websites that load slowly does not attract customers much and as a result, they might impact your SEO in a negative manner. The user will be directed to a new site and he might get problems with loading your current page. It is one of the key factors used by Google algorithms to rank the page. It will definitely bring a drop in your revenue. Thus, it should not be in your list at all.

  1. More outgoing links

If you have many outgoing links in your blogs, then a customer might get irritated by tapping to check the links. So, you should always maintain a decent amount of outgoing links to your blogs (maybe one or two). Also, there are links that are bad for Google and it won’t allow them to run. You must take care and should not include these in your blog. Links must come from non-spammy and high authority sites.

There can be many SEO strategies that can impact your website in a negative way. You must first do a research on why, how and what to include in your content that will increase your revenue as well as customer satisfaction. Always remember SEO can be a blessing for your business if used in a right way but can also be a curse if you cannot keep yourself updated with the latest strategies.