Basic guide to create your e-book and generate leads

generate leads

Today the Internet has become the library of many, therefore, it is appropriate that you learn to create your e-book. This is a content strategy that is becoming more relevant day by day. Both companies and individuals opt for this format since it is attractive to readers.

generate leads
Generate Leads

The technology has brought many advances that once were unimaginable, and it is necessary to engage at this rate. It is not about losing good habits, but innovating and adapting them to the digital age.

Now it is not mandatory to go to a bookstore to find a specific book because you can find it on the web and perhaps for free. EBook creators and builder plays a major role here. There are several automated ebook creators available online. Sqribble eBook creator is one of the best tools which claims to create ebook in 60 seconds.

These digital ebook formats are becoming more and more popular and get a lot of downloads. Many people prefer them because it represents savings for them. Surely, with this information you are already encouraging yourself to create your e-book but it is important that you know more about this topic.

Advantages and disadvantages of e-books

Before making the decision to create your e-book, it is necessary that you know the positive and negative factors of this format. In this way, you will know what you can take advantage of and what you should avoid. Pay attention to the pros and cons of the electronic books that you will see below:

Advantage <h3>

  • Being digital implies that they do not take up space.
  • They do not deteriorate or get lost.
  • They are cheap and fast at the time of reproduction.
  • They save you time by not having to browse libraries to find it.
  • Your editions are not out of print.
  • They fit the reader because you can change the font size.
  • It allows you to consult a phrase or word quickly.
  • They socialize reading and there is more interaction with the author.
  • They are portable, and they can all be on the same device.
  • They give the writer the opportunity to post more content.


  • They are not independent physical objects, this means that they require a technological device and an Internet connection to download it.
  • Its format is not standardized.
  • Lacks page numbering.
  • They require initial learning since there are people who do not know how to use the necessary technological equipment.
  • The opportunity for the author to sign it is lost.
  • It is common for book lovers to be given one, but these formats cannot be a gift.
  • The eyes are more tired due to the brightness of the screens.
  • They have no smell and the touch of the paper is lost.
  • They are more vulnerable to piracy.
  • They change the reader’s relationship with the printed book.

How to generate leads with an e-book

If your plan is to create your e-book to generate leads, then you have selected a good basis for your strategy. But perhaps you are wondering how you can achieve it through this digital format. Below you will find the answer to your question, so take note:

  • Inbound Marketing: Yes, as you read, e-books are great allies in your inbound marketing strategy. It is about giving quality content to your target audience, and if you have different formats, you can build loyalty and make it a lead.
  • Capture: Without a doubt, they are a good alternative to capture the attention of users. Therefore, it is important that you write about topics that interest a certain audience.
  • Loyalty: Once you have managed to convert the user into a lead, the next step is to keep it with you. This can be achieved if you continue to provide content of interest and quality. Always keep in mind that the purpose is to have the customer satisfied, that will be your main value.
  • Good reputation and prestige:  When you create an e-book you are not only presenting content, but also your brand and demonstrating the knowledge you have of the sector you are in. Over time, this translates into effective and reputable advertising for you.

8 steps to follow to create your e-book

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of electronic books and how to generate leads with them, it is time for you to learn how to create your e-book. If you do not know what to start with, do not worry, below you will see the steps you need to get down to work.

1.- Define your goals <h3>

This is the fundamental basis of any strategy or project, you have to know what is the goal you want to achieve. This is the right time to ask yourself what you want to achieve with this e-book and to whom it is directed. Once you answer these questions, you will have defined and established your objectives.

Knowing your target audience will help you select the topic you want to write about. There is no doubt that this is a key factor for you to generate the number of leads that you have set yourself. For this reason, it is extremely important that you clearly determine what you want to achieve.

2.- Choose an attractive topic for your audience

Once you have defined your objectives, the second step is to choose the topic that you are going to develop in your e-book. Keep in mind that you have to focus on what your audience needs to read, that is, content from which your audience wants to learn more. Therefore, you have to know what are the problems or obstacles of your users and work on them.

You can give it a plus if the topic you select is related to content that has already been published. If it is a subject that arouses the interest of the audience, surely you have already developed it on other occasions. It is the perfect way to capture users and convert them into new leads.

3.- Research on the topic

Perhaps you have already written on that topic another time and you are an expert in the field, but the best thing to do before starting to write is to investigate. So you can refresh your memory and look for new contributions or advances on the chosen content. You can read your previous posts and those of your competitors, this is a way to avoid mistakes when writing.

Some writers do content curation. This is basically based on copying the paragraphs, quotes and ideas that you find interesting to a blank document. It may seem a little messy, but it is an effective way to develop your theme.

4.- Structure all the information

It is essential that you structure the information in a simple way. To do this, you can make a well-organized table of contents. Start with an index that will be the guide for your readers, for example: what are you going to talk about and in what order will everything be better understood. You can make an eraser by hand so you can correct it.

You have to create your e-book with meaning from start to finish. To do this, you must think individually of each chapter as if you were writing on a blog. However, be very clear that they must have a strong thematic relationship with each other. Then you will place the paragraphs you already have created under the corresponding subtitle.

5.- Write with your audience in mind

The fundamental moment for the success of your e-book has arrived, that is, you will begin to write your content. Here it is essential that you keep in mind who you are addressing. Try to use language that is digestible for your audience. You have to add fluency, cohesion and readability to the text so that the reading is pleasant and simple.

The transitions between paragraphs have to look natural and that the end result is a perfect setting for the reader. Don’t worry about the number of pages, but the quality of the content. It is better to have 5 pages where a topic of interest is developed than 10 where there is only an accumulation of information.

6.- Design the e-book

Certainly, copywriting is the key, but if you want to make it perfect, it’s important that you have a good design. To do this you can use a basic and simple program such as PowerPoint or download free templates. This gives you the possibility to complement your texts with images, which will make reading more friendly.

When you have already created your electronic book remember to save it in PDF so that nobody modifies it. This format is a kind of “digital print” of your ebook, so you can send your audience the final result. In this practical way, you ensure that they receive it as you designed it.

7.- Create your promotion and conversion strategy

How to make the e-book convert? It is time to think of a strategy that will help you achieve this. You can add a CTA to your ebook, which will take you to the next natural step in your conversion funnel. The button may have the option to contact you or to download similar content.

Also, you have the option of creating a landing page to download your ebook and if you want more options you can design a thank you page to thank them for their trust. In addition, you can send it by email to your contact list or promote it in the profiles of your social networks.

8.- Analyze the results

In order to know if you achieved your goals, it is necessary to analyze the results you obtained. This will help you determine what you did well and improve what you did not. You have to evaluate the number of downloads you got, and how many were used to convert users into leads.

A faithful ally to do this type of analysis is Google Analytics. If you want to dig a little deeper, use a URL shortener since UTM codes can be very useful to know where the traffic is coming from.

You already have everything you need to create your e-book, now you just have to dedicate time and effort to achieve it.

Author Bio – Rohit Singh is a professional Digital Marketing Expert. He is a digital nerd and he loves sharing his thoughts through Blogger Cage. SEO, WordPress, Make money Online and Digital Marketing are his prime interests.