Key Steps to find the best SEO Keywords

SEO Keywords
SEO Keywords

If you are a web owner or SEO expert, then you will certainly know the importance of online keyword research for blog posts or a webpage. A right keyword-stuffed content will give your post a direction to reach out the target audience. Even the search engine leader Google pushes websites to the top position that uses the right keywords strategically. Keyword research is quite a time-consuming process involving a lot of effort and strategies. Proper keyword research is the foundation of a solid SEO strategy. Creating content using the right keyword will certainly help your website to stay on the top of search engine results. This is the major priority for any web owner wanting to stay ahead in the competition.

SEO Keywords
SEO Keywords

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the activity of analysing and checking out the list of keywords to create SEO copywriting. A keyword can be a single word or long-tail depending on the industry or the content you want to build.

Why is it important?

Finding a high-volume search term is not enough. The keyword used in the content must match your brand, product, and service. Once you have performed adequate research, you will be able to craft an SEO strategy.

For example, if you are in English coaching online and offline, then your content should focus on posts including, How to Speak English Fluently and Confidently“. You should include this long-tail keyword for blog posts. However, there could be a mismatch from your potential customers searching on Google.

Let us now check key steps to find the best SEO keywords: –

  • Know your Niche:

Before you list down your keywords to optimize your blog post and website, it is essential to know your niche. Dive deep to learn more about the niche so that it will be easy for your keyword research work. Knowing your niche can help in discover different angles of marketing and SEO strategy. To know your niche-

  • Have a conversation with existing customers and get to know them better. Find out the right terms they use while searching on Google for any product or service.
  • Always think from the customer’s perspective. This method will help in getting the best keyword research formula
  • Study your Competitors: –

One of the winning formulas to stay in the competition is to study your competitors. Visit their blog posts and see how they create content along with keywords. Also, view their metatags identifying keywords they target to reach out to the audience. This will help you to know how you look for the keyword and create a blog post.

  • Defining your Goals: –

Yet another important tip to consider for keyword research is to set your goals. However, you need to ask important yourself specific questions-

  • What is your brand all about?
  • What makes your brand special?
  • What is your website all about?

Find whether you want to increase the number of subscribers and your sales target. Once you find the answer to these questions and know your goals, you can go ahead for keyword research. The search term will be aligned with your goals. These goals will help you to find your SEO content.

  • Listing down Relevant Topics-

Depending on your category and goals, break them down to smaller topic buckets. Making a list of topics related to your brand will help in ranking top on Google. For instance, if you are into FMCG brand for men’s personal care products, then topics related to the brand can be-

  • Men’s facial wash
  • Antiperspirant deodorant
  • Male pattern baldness

Cover topics that are important to your brand and match the keywords searched by the audience.

Bottom Line-

Once you follow these above tips for keyword research, you can craft a good content and SEO strategy.