5 Simple Steps to Develop an Effective PPC Campaign Strategy

Pay Per Click Services
Pay Per Click Services

Understanding where to start from is as tricky as knowing how to end when it comes to a Pay Per Click (PPC) strategy. After all, there’s a lot to cover nowadays. In addition, developing an effective PPC strategy has seen a sea change in the past few years. And advertisers now have several ways of audience targeting, which doesn’t make ad spend easy. So, even if you hire PPC services to handle it all, you still need to know how an effective strategy is developed. 

  1. Define the goals 

Defining exactly what you plan to achieve makes the job of the Pay Per Click Services a lot easier. Also, it helps select the ad types and platforms that are ideal for your marketing requirements. 

As such, a few common PPC goals are: 

  • Driving sales 
  • Lead generation 
  • Increasing site traffic 
  • Raising brand awareness 

For instance, when the aim is driving sales, a chunk of the PPC investment should go into PLA or search. 

Pay Per Click Services
Pay Per Click Services
  1. Targeting the audience 

The type of audience you target and their point in the sales funnel also indicate the suitable advertising options for Pay Per Click Services. Regarding AdWords audience targeting, the key lies in targeting the relevant keywords based on the business and targeting depending on intent. The keywords you bid for, the landing pages used to send people, and the ads displayed all need to be in sync to get you the desired results. 

  1. Optimizing the landing pages 

While targeting many keywords, it can be challenging to create unique and optimized landing pages for the ads. But getting visitors to all those generic landing pages is not how you want to use Pay Per Click Services. Furthermore, most site visitors will not get converted this way, so you’ll only be wasting your time and money. Thus, landing page optimization and audience targeting has to be closely linked. 

  1. Creating the ads for your audience 

After the audience targeting, set-up is done, and you make the relevant landing pages, you can create and optimize the ads. The ads are the link between the optimized landing pages and audience interest. The idea is to illustrate the USP of your brand and offer value through Pay Per Click Services. As such, ads can be optimized through visual media, different types of copies, extensions, etc.  

  1. Analyzing and optimizing PPC campaign strategies 

Optimizing the ads can be integrated well in ad creation when the right tools are used. So, the analysis has to focus on identifying the targeting features and keywords that drive the campaign goals. For instance, Pay Per Click Services consider metrics like: 

  • Click-through rate: Determining the relevancy of ad content as per audience targeting for social 
  • Conversion rate: Low conversions indicate that the ad spend suits high-performance keywords more. 

Hopefully, you now have a general idea about developing an effective PPC campaign. So, get to work now and good luck!