Content Marketing: 11 Tips To Create Attractive Blog Posts

content marketing tips

One of the key actions of content marketing is to write blog texts, or blog messages, as they are a strategic way to connect with the public by solving their doubts, helping them to understand a particular topic by nearby writing services. You Can Check here to know more about content marketing.

Creating these texts implies taking into account certain aspects, both in the background and in the form, to achieve on the one hand the engagement with the reader, and on the other, to position the brand in the search engines.

But, how to write blog posts enjoyable and positionable for your content marketing? Here 11 aspects you should consider when sitting down to write your posts, we hope they work for you!

1. Perform keyword research

The keywords are the keywords for which you are interested in positioning your business for search engines. The better positioned you are, the more opportunities you will have to obtain potential customers; Well, when customers look for what you offer online, you will be one of the first options displayed.

When conducting keyword research, you should not only consider your products or writing services but also what concerns your target audience and why they would go to Google to answer their questions. For example, if you are a knitting yarn factory, one of your keywords could be “Patterns of weaving” and; Surely the posts you write using that keyword will attract qualified traffic to your website. A very useful tool in this regard is the Google Keyword Planner.

2. Place the keywords properly

Once you have done your research and you know what keywords you will use, it is necessary to distribute them specifically, so that the search engine algorithms understand what your text is about. Place it in the title of the post, in the first paragraph, repeat it in the body of the text and always in the closing paragraph.

3. Include value links

Search engines take into account if your posts link to valuable content, and based on it they position your texts better. Add links to specialized pages, your writing services and also other texts of your blog; This “internal reference” in the texts could be applied in other channels of your content marketing plan, such as in your Social Networks. Add the links especially in the keywords.

4. Make listings

This post would be a good example in that regard. The listings, in addition to naturally attracting the attention of the public, inform the search engines that you have summarized certain information, that you are listing something, and present the listings to users as a series of useful and varied content to help them in their search.

5. Add italics and bold

Both to draw attention to some fragment of the text and to highlight some words, bold and italic contribute to a better positioning as they indicate to the search engines that there is some content more “important” or “highlighting” than another.

6.Optimize images properly

Too heavy images slow down any blog. Try to have a moderate size and optimize them by adding descriptions, alt text or alternate text and titles. It always includes the keyword; For a search of images, your potential client may run into your blog.

7. Include subtitles in your writing services

If they have the keywords, much better. Let your subtitles divide the text into capsules of digestible content in a few minutes of reading and also concrete. They work to provide a break and the reader is announced about what he will read next.

8. Check to spell carefully

Nothing more disappointing than a blog post with spelling errors. This should not happen in any content marketing product, but it is usually common. Train yourself, identify your weaknesses and improve them to provide excellent content to your readers also formally.

9.Procure fluency and take care of the style

Depending on the target audience, a specific tone will be used, but if you have the opportunity to choose, opt for a close, pleasant and friendly tone. Try to include examples and explain pedagogically, but without losing the fluency of the text. Some useful style tricks in this regard are to use phrases and short paragraphs. Phrases of no more than 20 words and paragraphs no larger than four lines.

Although it is difficult in some cases, try it. The reader needs a break, especially in web reading. This premise of the brief can be applied in other texts of your content marketing strategy, you will see how it improves your positioning considerably.

10. Work hard the creative process

Sitting down to write a post implies a certain technique, but also a process of previous creativity, which must be methodically directed towards truly memorable posts. To do this, nothing better than reading a lot, research and try to put yourself in the place of the reader, what worries you? What are you passionate about? These and many other questions about who it is will help you define who you write for.

11. Follow an appropriate methodology

The method involves using the aforementioned techniques and proposing topics according to the interests of the target audience that integrating the content marketing plan into a calendar of periodical publications.

We hope these 11 tips work for you to create your first blog posts and position them. However, this is an extremely vast and complex issue in which you learn something different every day; because content marketing is definitely not an easy task, but very exciting.

content marketing tips