How Important is Responsive Design for Your E-commerce Store


As more and more people are turning to mobile devices for every task that used to be only capable on the desktop, one thing has become clear, mobile is taking over internet surfing, and it’s not just internet. It’s everything from browsing social media, checking emails and doing shopping as well and as an Australian business owner, you’d be doing yourself a huge harm if your e-commerce site is not designed to respond and adjust to mobile devices.

One quick way of doing this would be to use a responsive website design. It’s quick and easy, you just need to hire a web development agency Melbourne and get it done, but what exactly is a responsive website?


What is Responsive Website?

It’s a design that enables your websites content to change and adjust according to the size of the user’s mobile device. Your online store must be designed such that it gives the best viewing experience across all mobile devices. Simply, any user who visits your site must have the capacity to do all that they wish to do, regardless of the device they are using. Having a responsive site gives you a chance to do precisely that.

Why your e-commerce store needs it quickly?

Gone are the days when people used to devote time for online shopping. They used to take some time out from their weekly schedule, get before the system, add products to their cart and complete the purchase. These days, individuals shop at whatever point the urge hits them. This can be while viewing an advertisement or while relaxing or on the go. Whatever, be the case, your site must be prepared at whatever point the user needs it. So, it is essential that you have a responsive web design and if not then you are missing out on potential sales.

If this is not enough then here are some more benefits of having a responsive web design for your e-commerce store.

  • Lower Website Maintenance and Cost

Earlier businesses used to create two versions of one website, one for the desktop user and one for mobile users. However, many still do this today, but having two versions of the same website is time-consuming and high maintenance practice. Nowadays, you can just have one responsive website and this truly offers low maintenance and even takes less time to set up. Having a responsive website is cost-effective too as you only have your main site to look after.

  • Improves SEO Efforts

The responsive website has a greater likelihood of ranking high in SERPs. The user-centred experience and high-quality content could expand your abide time. Thereby making users stick around for long. Even Google prefers a responsive web design pattern. Moreover, it makes for a good user experience and enhances your SEO endeavours across all platforms. Also, SEO campaigns are much easier to maintain with one site, if you were to have a separate mobile site, you then have two SEO campaigns. A responsive website is all round much easier to manage. You can hire an SEO services company in your area to rank high and increase conversion rates.

  • Seamless User Experience

This is one of the greatest benefits of having a responsive e-commerce website. A responsive website is specifically designed to look great on screens of all sizes, whether the user sees it on tablet or phone. Users don’t have to waste time zooming and shrinking the text or images on the screen. Instead, all of the content adjusts automatically to the screen of the device. This makes it easier and more convenient for users to read and navigate on your site. If you do not have a responsive design it would be difficult to navigate through and users are likely to abandon the purchase and switch to your competitor.

So, having a responsive web design can save you a lot of money, maintenance time and help you convert and retain more clients in the long run.

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