Reasons why mostly journalists prefer using twitter over Facebook


Today with Journalists, Twitter is winning over Facebook as the medium of choice.

These are the reasons why journalists prefer using Twitter over Facebook:

  • It is more responsive-especially with instant news: –

With journalists having a shortage of time always the need of the hour is of instant and immediate news and information which is useful. Thus no one wants to read lengthy articles on Facebook and they all prefer tweets on Twitter which summarize the entire information in 140 words flat.

This saves time and also keeps you updated will all the information you need in your personal and professional life. Also when you submit press release you should announce that on Twitter too. This will create a buzz around it.

  • More useful for working professionals who have limited time: –

Journalists prefer Twitter as it has a wider reach and more people tend to read tweets as they are short and precise. Thus there are no long explanations and people can easily tweet and share their opinions, points of views, perspectives and also news and happenings.

  • Better networking and swift feedback: –

As compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better networking tool and provides the journalist with swift feedback. Thus being more responsive Twitter has the winning edge over Facebook as Facebook users take hours to come back to their pages while Twitter subscribers can keep looking at the tweets and keep tweeting themselves too.

  • More extensive reach: –

With Twitter has a more extensive reach as compared to Facebook. It is also more responsive and dynamic as a medium and thus more and more journalists are choosing Twitter. You can reach out to your followers, friends and colleagues and also complete strangers with Twitter, something which is not always possible with Facebook. Thus as Twitter has an extensive reach you should announce that you have submit press release as that will make it a success and a huge hit with journalists.

  • Crisp precise and focused communication: –

Twitter is a no-nonsense social networking medium and all the Tweets are crisp, precise and to the point. Thus Journalists can stay up to date will all the news and also not waste time browsing on Facebook.

This is definitely making Twitter more popular and a medium of choice for many prominent and established journalists around the globe.