SEO Services to Get High-Quality Traffic

Get High-Quality Traffic

Any online business owner knows that traffic equals revenue. The question is, how do you get traffic flowing in and out of your website? Traffic is paramount for any successful online business. Failure to attract the right visitors results from getting lost in the massive world of the internet. You’ll not generate substantial leads, get more sales, and eventually fail to meet your long term goals. Getting traffic to your website requires a well-laid strategy and the right SEO service. These two are vital when trying to drive traffic to your site. This article will give several that will help you pump traffic effectively. 

Get High-Quality Traffic
SEO Services to Get High-Quality Traffic

Name cheap

Name cheap has been in the domain registering businesses for 12 years now. When it began back in 2007, there were only two marketers and the rest of the team focused on customer support. One of the best strategies which boosted their traffic was using Christmas trivia contest every hour on their twitter account in 2007. The price was a one-year credit domain registration for every first three @ replies with the right answer. The catch was, you needed a Name cheap account to receive the price. Although strategy cost the team a lot of time and attention for the whole month of December, nevertheless it yielded tremendous results that saw them increase their online traffic by 30%. Additionally, they increased their domain registration and revenue to $ 1,000,000. Talk about a Merry Christmas indeed!

Super dry 

Another great SEO strategy that worked wonders was one implemented by a UK-based apparel brand called super dry. It used a couple of promotional events to launch their presence in India.  Partnering with Brand Movers India, they curated a unique Twitter campaign called “Super dry Tweet Fuel”, where Twitter users had to follow the super dry India Twitter account. They had to tweet about where to go for a #SuperDrive if they had the Morgan 3 Wheeler. The tweets were converted to fuel, so you had to tweet more to get more fuel for your car. They set up a microsite where best tweets were featured. Other prices included gift cards for different level tweets. The result was surprising reaching an audience of 1.5 million people in day one, racked up more than 5.4 million impressions, and generated over 2600 tweets, in the next 5 days. The rising number of young people on Twitter has contributed heavily to the success of such promotions, leading to massive traffic increase. 


Another interesting case study is one done by Backlink, a company founded by Brian Dean, who is an internationally renowned SEO and Content Marketing expert. He used what he called “the skyscraper technique” which saw organic traffic in his website double up in just four days. The Skyscraper Technique incorporates three steps. This technique involves finding link-worthy content, adding value to it, and making something even better spread to the right people. As a marketer, you should know that simply publishing great content, doesn’t necessarily translate to traffic. You need to promote it to the right people in the right way. 

Stellar Data Recovery

Stellar Data Recovery is a trusted data recovery service in India, with over two million clients across the globe. It’s a powerhouse in offering data recovery solution on a global scale using advanced technologies. When they wanted to expand their reach in the UK, USA, and Europe, they used the best SEO Services and digital marketing tools to organically develop their business. They ran an SEO campaign for two months. Changes were made to their SEO strategy like optimizing their web page design, using targeted keywords to get more visibility. The marketing and sales teams worked went a step further to understand their clients’ needs and this was their results. A 400% traffic increase on their website with 50% coming directly from search engines. Manual and software downloads increased to 10% and sales increased by 75%. Thanks to SEO strategies, the company rose to higher heights globally. 


These few SEO strategies proved to be very effective in both the short and long run. Although some of them take a relatively long time to yield tangible results, yet they are all important in equal measures. The best strategy to increase organic traffic involves finding an ecommerce SEO Expert who aims to win the minds of your prospective and loyal clients, understand their needs so you may reap big through more organic traffic. 

Naman Modi Author Bio:-

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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