7Cs Of Marketing In The Digital Era | Abhiseo

7Cs Marketing Digital Era

There are 7cs of marketing in the Digital Era

Content – It’s here we’d like to point out that ‘content’ takes on many different forms in the digital space, namely; information on web pages, video, documents, images, and conversations (on blogs, forums, and social media platforms).

  • Storytelling
  • Major ingredient for media
  • An asset to the organization

Community – Community is you can share your thought openly. In socially active to interact with you friends and business purpose. Because people are the biggest power in any Community.

  • Sharing the content openly
  • Socially Active
  • People are the biggest power

Context – Context marketing is the practice of knowing your audience so well that you know what knowledge, products or services will be incredibly valuable to them.

  • Referred on certain place and time
  • Proper timing is a must
  • A part to a certain journey

Change – In Digital Era change is called digital transformation in digital marketing. Move ahead toward digitization.

  • Move ahead toward digitization
  • Make a choice to either survive or thrive

Communication – In the Digital Era we have more communication options than ever before, which creates countless challenges.

  • Based on one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
  • Connected even more than before
  • Higher global reach

Collaboration – Cross Knowledge supports organizations by providing suitable solutions to enhance the collaboration, share best practices and increase responsiveness.

  • Operates on Co-operation
  • Dependent on Crowed Sourcing and Crowed Funding
  • Supports Innovation

Capture – Capture is support from digital diaries and express via videos to helps you can record video and express your self front of new people and places.

  • Support from Digital Diaries
  • Express via videos
  • Experience/observe new people and places

If this blog helps to know about 7Cs Of Marketing In The Digital Era – Content, context, community, communication, capture, collaboration and change by Abhiseo

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