How to make money with Instagram (updated 2020)

make money with Instagram
make money with Instagram

Making money with Instagram is possible and here I tell you how to do it.

Can you imagine living traveling, just dedicating yourself to taking some photos every day?

But what do you have to do to live on Instagram , how many followers do you have to have, where do you find advertisers?

Here you will find everything you need to know in order to live on the fastest growing social network .

make money with Instagram
Make money with Instagram

Make money with Instagram

There are several ways to monetize your Instagram account , some will work better for you than others, depending on your audience profile and your line of business.

The best thing is to try them all and thus see which one works best for you.

Platforms to connect advertisers and influencers

To monetize your Instagram account, there are already several platforms that connect advertisers with influencers , and in most of them they accept Instagram accounts.

You just have to sign up for all of them and wait for a brand interested in appearing on your profile to contact you.

Sell ​​your presets

To be an instagrammer you have to be a good photographer and you can learn this from real  Instagram professionals , from those who are behind the camera for longer .

The presets are preset effects s, typically generated with Lightroom and that many accounts that help you with your Instagram , put at your disposal.

Sell ​​affiliate products

There are many online stores that give you a percentage for each sale you make through their links like Amazon promo codes.

If for example you make a superphoto with a drone and upload it to your Instagram account, you can indicate that this photo is made with that particular drone and that it can be purchased through the link you provide, for example on Amazon or Gearbest , two large online stores that accept affiliates .

You can find affiliates for virtually any type of product . With a simple Google search , you can find the ideal affiliate for your profile.

For example, if you want to find affiliates related to fitness , search for fitness affiliates , or if you want to find affiliates related to cosmetic, look for cosmetic affiliates .

Keep in mind that on Instagram you can only put a single link in your description , do not forget to mention it in your photos so that they go there and click.

One of the links that is increasingly seen, especially in fashion instagramers , is that of their 21Buttons profiles  , which is like an Instagram, but only in fashion, and where you can click on the clothes to buy them . In this way you can earn money with your looks .

Sell ​​your photos

On canvas, T-shirts and everything you can think of

You can sell your Instagram photos . There are many ways, you can make canvases with your printed and signed photos, t-shirts, phone cases and send them to your followers.

It may seem silly to you, but a New Yorker made more than $ 15,000 in one day .

Build your own store

If you have many followers you can take advantage of them and sell your own merchandise .

You can appear in your Instagram photos with your own models of t-shirts and sell them in your own store .

Tricks to enhance your Instagram account

But to  earn money with Instagram you not only have to have good photos, you also have to have people who follow you.

From 5,000 followers is when a brand may be interested in sponsoring you.

Here are some tips and tricks to gain followers on Instagram and become more influential .

Use tools and platforms to study your account and the competition

There are some very useful tools to get the most out of your Instagram account , something essential if you want to become a professional at this.

One of them is , where you can see for example  who are your most influential followers , ideal to know with whom you have to increase your interactions.

Follow for follow and interact

Another old trick is to follow other users, who can return the follow .

A good way to achieve this is to see the followers of a profile similar to yours and who may be interested in following you.

Like and comment on profiles with many followers and of course upload at least one good photo a day with hashtags that have many posts and people follow.

You only need a camera, a mobile and you win

And rest assured , you do not need to travel , in any corner there are places like the ones you see through the most famous Instagram accounts , you just have to find them, like the pokemon.


Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE. In her leisure time, she plays tennis.